S.I Hayakawa was a Canadian born American academic and political figure of Japanese ancestry. Hayakawa's full name is Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa. He served as a united states senator and the president of San Francisco State University. He was born in van cover, British Columbia, July 18 of 1907 and died in February 27 in 1992. His alma moders was the University of Manitoba, McGill University, and The University of Wisconsin and is a part of the republican party. Hayakawa was a great leader and as well an extraordinary genius as a state senator and also as a professor educating young students as well. Some quote from S.I. Hayakawa are "I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose" and "In a very real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more then people who cannot or will not read". S.I. Hayakawa was a great leader and is still looked at today as one of the greatest leaders in The United States today.


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    Author: Jacob Moorer

    Jacob is a high school student currently in his senior year. He loves to play all type of sports and do allsorts of activities with friends and family. He was born on May 14 of 1996 and has been a part of Ypsilanti his whole life.


    October 2013
    September 2013

